Gourmet Abu Dhabi
Abu Dhabi Tourism Authority (ADTA) combined culture and cuisine to promote the rich Middle Eastern Heritage. They decided to bring forward a forum where culture meets cuisine and that resulted in Gourmet Abu Dhabi happening from Feb 5 - 14 2009.
The event will feature only the finest cusines, best vintages and most unique dining experiences found in this emerging global capital.
Celebrities like Curtis Stone (Take Hoem Chef, Discovery Travel and Living) and Ian Wright (Globe Trekker, Discovery Travel and Living) are going to be there to experience firts hand the rich Middle East culture and cuisine.
Master Chefs from across the globe will be present on this unique occasion.
To know more about the event and contact details please logon to http://www.gourmetabudhabi.ae
Website: http://www.gourmetabudhabi.ae
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