The Abu Dhabi Police, ADP, launched its 'Seyahati Aaminah', or 'My Tourism is Safe', campaign to guarantee the sustainability of the tourism sector and ensure visitor happiness and satisfaction, as well as to promote the tourism security in Abu Dhabi.
Colonel Imran Ahmed Al Mazroui, Director of the Criminal Investigations Department of the Criminal Security Sector, highlighted the importance of the campaign, which will run until the end of the year, to enrich the experience of tourists and providing a complete package of police services, as well as to increase the presence of tourism police patrols in major areas.
He also noted some of the services that the ADP is keen to provide, including an immediate security response, hospitality and constant smiles, as well as other security, community, ambulance, surveillance and protection-related services.
Al Mazroui stressed that the campaign will distribute printed guides in English, French, Chinese and Urdu that explain current laws and regulations, and raise the awareness of tourists about the UAE’s customs and traditions. It will also include emergency numbers, cultural destinations and tourism resorts, along with guidelines for enjoying the nation’s beaches, he added.
He also pointed out that tourism security has acquired significant importance in the UAE, especially in Abu Dhabi, while highlighting the ADP’s efforts to establish temporary and permanent tourism police offices.
Al Mazrouei urged tourists to follow the country’s laws and regulations, respect local traditions, avoid incorrect behaviour, and respect the feelings of families, while wishing them an enjoyable time in the UAE.
The Aman Phone Service (8002626) can receive information and reports 24-hours a day through a high-tech system and an advanced database, which will enable security teams to respond immediately.