Department of Health - Abu Dhabi (DOH), the regulator of the healthcare sector in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, has rolled out a guideline for healthcare providers outlining primary diagnosis, management and treatment of pediatric and adult asthma.
The guideline aims to further improve the diagnosis and treatment of asthma patients, contribute to the prevention of premature deaths, and reduce the number of emergency department visits by delivering high quality care services at primary healthcare facilities. The launch of the guideline will better leverage resources to treat and control the illness, further enhancing patient and caregiver outreach through personalised treatment courses.
Commenting on the initiative, Dr Omniyat Al Hajri, Director of Public Health at the Department of Health - Abu Dhabi, said: “We worked alongside a number of UAE-based Pulmonologist Consultants to develop this guideline, to outline the highest standards and best practice in primary diagnosis of asthma and its treatment among children and adults. With this guideline, we’re excited to see healthcare providers deliver patients with the quality consultation, treatment and after care they deserve to help them better control their asthma.”
To support the guideline launch, DOH organized a CME training workshop for healthcare providers in cooperation with Abu Dhabi Police. Sixty-seven practitioners representing twenty-nine public and private health facilities were brought together to discuss the latest practices in Asthma diagnosis and treatment, and get better acquainted with the guideline.
The guideline was developed in accordance with the standards of the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA), National Asthma Education and Prevention Program (NAEPP) and the Canadian Thoracic Society, and has been closely aligned with Abu Dhabi’s healthcare provision system, local culture and social sensitivities.
Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the lungs that causes periodic episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness and coughing. Although asthma cannot be cured per se, the severity and the frequency of acute attacks can be greatly reduced by taking the proper medication as prescribed and adopting habits to avoid asthma triggers. While most often diagnosed during childhood, asthma can affect people of all ages.