The Maker Day provided a wide range of student-led activities, from creating scribbler robots to programmable Legos, fashion infused with technology, art displays, community action exhibits, musical performances, and an exploration of the solar system inside the GEMS American Academy planetarium.
Michael Gernon, Senior Vice President and Global Head of Innovation, Research and Development, GEMS Education, said: “This event is designed to inspire 21st century learners to explore creative ways to help improve the world around them. Maker Day is a great platform for young innovators to mingle with some of the brightest minds in the nation, and at GEMS, we continuously strive towards equipping our students with necessary skills to succeed in their careers.”
Over 1,000 community members were present, including students, parents and teachers who gathered to participate in a celebration of innovation, with a focus on closing the global skills gap.
Partners such as Easy Peasy Coding, Masdar Innovation Center, Edutech, and Computer Explorers provided hands-on learning experiences for participants to engage in drone simulations, virtual reality, and coding.
Earlier this year, over 4,000 students, families, investors, and inventors participated at the 1st annual Global Innovation Challenge – formerly called Maker Day – launched by GEMS Education and Silicon Valley’s Singularity University, at GEMS Wellington Academy, Silicon Oasis, Dubai.