The Telecommunication Regularity Authority (TRA) announced the implementation of the new price caps for INTRA-GCC roaming services by UAE’s mobile operators resulting from the implementation of TRA directive No. (4) Of 2015 regarding INTRA-GCC Mobile Roaming Charges issued by the TRA in September 2015.
In average, the International roaming prices for UAE customers who travel to GCC countries fell by 18% starting from 1 April 2017.
Reduction in international roaming prices in the GCC countries focuses on the key services that subscribers need to use while roaming. The GCC roaming prices for data services fell by 35% on average while the prices of receiving calls during roaming in GCC decreased by 19% and SMS while roaming by 13%. In addition, the reduction in roaming prices in the GCC also includes making local call services in the GCC countries, international calls to the UAE and international calls to other GCC countries.
Commenting on this move, Hamad Obaid Al Mansoori, TRA Director General stated: "The TRA was actively represented in the GCC’s Working Group’s meetings to study the regulation of roaming prices in the GCC countries. The implementation of the price caps by all mobile operators in the GCC represents a great achievement for GCC countries regionally and internationally. The TRA strives to achieve the satisfaction and happiness of the customers and the TRA is making unremitting efforts to raise the quality of the services provided by the telecommunications sector to better serve the UAE’s customers and to ensure that they have access to quality services at competitive prices. We are looking forward to the positive impact that the implementation of this directive will have on the UAE customers travelling to the GCC."
It should be noted that this reduction in international roaming rates in the GCC countries is the second of its kind in the implementation of the TRA’s directive No. (4) For the year 2015, which directs mobile operators in the UAE to apply price caps that cannot be exceeded on roaming prices in the GCC countries.
The first phase of the price reduction was completed in April 2016. The TRA’s Directive No. (4) of the year 2015, regarding INTRA-GCC roaming charges obligates the mobile operators in the UAE to reduce the prices according to predetermined price caps in five phases on 1st April of each year starting from 2016 to 2020.