The United Arab Emirates, UAE, will participate in the meeting of parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to discuss how to advance international action to combat climate change.
Morocco is hosting this year’s conference from 7th to 18th November in Marrakech. During the UNFCCC’s 22nd ‘Conference of the Parties’ (COP 22), countries will set a road map to implement last year’s Paris Agreement to address climate change.
"Through Cop 22 we hope to see the UAE ramp up its level of ambition and encourage others from the region to come to the table, as current global pledges are insufficient to limit warming to 1.5 degrees," said Tanzeed Alam, Director of Climate and Energy at the Emirates Wildlife Society-World Wide Fund.
"We also want to see a more coordinated approach to make ambitious targets and measures more effectively action on the ground in the UAE."
Despite the country taking significant steps towards prioritising climate change, such as establishing the Ministry of Climate Change and Environment, ratifying the Paris Agreement and announcing the development of the country’s first National Climate Action Plan, Alam said more had to be done to avoid the worst impacts of climate change.
He said the EWS-WWF will be attending the conference where they hope to work with government, business and civil society parties to drive action on climate change.
Cop 22 follows last year’s landmark Cop 21 agreement in Paris in December, during which 196 parties signed to pledge progressive policy actions to tackle climate change.