Osman Sultan, CEO, du congratulated Khalifa University students, Mohamed Abdulla Alzubaidi, Nasser Ali Alwan, Matar Rashid AlSalman, Ali Fareed Aldarwish and Sultan Mobeen Abu Ghazal on successfully winning the du Cyber Security Hackathon on Sunday 9 October. In addition to making themselves and their university proud, the students also received a cheque for AED 20,000. In second place was Heriot-Watt University and in third place was Rochester Institute of Technology.
As part of the third Cyber Security Conference, which was held at the Madinat Jumeirah, the hackathon aimed to encourage young technophiles to become a part of the Cyber Security agenda. During the competition, the 10 teams of students were challenged to demonstrate the variety of ways in which technology could be used in a smart city model and how these technologies could be secured from Cyber-attacks. In doing so, the hackathon provided a safe learning environment for young hackers, encouraging them to test their expertise in an ethical manner, honing their skills in a competitive situation.