National Bank of Abu Dhabi P.J.S.C. (NBAD) today launches its seventh annual Corporate Sustainability Report, raising the benchmark for sustainability reporting in the region. The report, titled ‘Being a Good Corporate Citizen’, highlights the significant progress made by NBAD in 2015 across its key initiatives, including the following:
Becoming the first bank in the UAE to sign the Equator Principles, a global benchmark in the financial industry for assessing environmental and social risks in projects financed by the bank.
Establishing a team dedicated to sustainable business financing, the first of its kind amongst regional banks
Committing to lend, invest and facilitate a total of US$10 billion over the next 10 years towards the global growth of sustainable business
Deliver skills-building workshops for SMEs
Publishing the ‘Financing the Future of Energy’ Report, which highlights the growing need for finance to close the global energy gap
Being the only regional bank to submit data on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to the CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project)
Ranking third in the Standard & Poor’s Hawkamah ESG Pan Arab Index and consistently been one of the top 10 organisations listed on the index since its launch
Receiving the CSR Label from the Dubai Chamber of Commerce & Industry Centre for Responsible Business, based on performance in sustainable business practices
NBAD’s financial support for social and community involvement, including charitable donations through our ATM Channel, jumped 14% to Dh68 million in 2015
Abdulla M S AbdulRaheem, Deputy Group Chief Executive Officer at NBAD commented: “We use sustainability reporting to track our performance with the aim to improve sustainable business practices. Sustainable development and green growth are high on the agenda for the UAE and we believe that companies in the UAE have a key supporting role to play. Sustainability, and our commitment to being a responsible corporate citizen, are at the very core of NBAD’s business and reflected in all that we do.”
NBAD’s citizenship strategy is one of the initiatives supporting its long-term ambition to be a leading bank on sustainability issues that have global significance and local relevance. NBAD has set two significant ambitions on the Future of Energy and on SME Advocacy, while continuing to build strong performance in responsible banking practices across its core operations.
Belinda Scott, Head of Corporate Sustainability at NBAD added: “We reached a number of significant milestones this year - becoming the first bank in the UAE to sign the Equator Principles, making a commitment to lend, invest and facilitate a total of US$10 billion towards sustainable business over the next 10 years, and creating the NBAD SME Academy to deliver skills-building workshops for SMEs, to name a few. We’re very proud of our initiatives in this area and remain committed to supporting this ongoing progress in the UAE.”
NBAD was identified as a leader in sustainability reporting in a KPMG survey carried out for the UAE and Oman and launched globally at the COP21 – the United Nations conference on climate change in Paris.