A high level delegation from Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council (QCC) visited the Standards and Calibration Laboratory (SCL) in Hong Kong and the National Metrology Centre (NMC) in Singapore as part of QCC’s efforts to closely examine and understand both facilities’ expertise and best practices.
As part of the visit, the QCC delegation toured the facilities and gained insights on their calibration and metrology systems that integrate state of the art technology. During the discussions following the tour, the two sides confirmed their intent to develop greater synergies in the field of quality, metrology and calibration.
The delegation’s visit came as part of QCC’s continued efforts to improve its quality of services and ensure that the accuracy of systems used in Abu Dhabi comply with relevant international standards. The tour also reflected the Council’s aim to explore and leverage global best practices to meet the evolving requirements of local industries in the area of metrology and calibration.
In the long term, QCC aims to enhance the quality infrastructure in the emirate, while promoting Abu Dhabi’s international standing in the areas of quality and conformity.
The Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council was established in 2009 to raise the quality of the emirate’s exports and locally traded products, while protecting the interests of consumers and supporting the UAE’s competitive economy. This is achieved through empowering regulators to establish and implement product safety, legal metrology and conformity schemes. QCC also sets guidelines and benchmarks to identify and verify that the products manufactured and traded in Abu Dhabi conform to the highest quality standards.