Fuel up for science-filled fun at the 2015 Abu Dhabi Science Festival! Build and race a hydrogen fuel powered car in Hydrogen Car Pit stop from Handasa and learn about forces, motion, friction, engineering and aerodynamics as you build your own freight train in Rocket Rail, brought to ADSF by engineering provider Wonderstruck. Discover the limitless energy source that is all around us in an Introduction to Radiaton from ZerOhm and safely handle harmless sources of radioactivity in this hands-on workshop.
Taking place until November 22nd, the opening times for ADSF are 4-9pm from Sunday to Wednesday, 4-10pm on Thursdays and 2-10pm on Fridays and Saturdays. For more information visit: www.abudhabisciencefestival.ae and follow the festival’s social media platforms on Instagram and Twitter: @adsciencefest and on Facebook: Abu Dhabi Science Festival.