Asthma is quite prevalent in GCC/ UAE region. Approximately 12-15% of school students suffer from intermittent or persistent asthma. In the adult population, the prevalence of asthma is higher in 20-30 % of population, and it is more common in females.
The condition of the majority of asthma patients in the UAE remains uncontrolled because many of them misinterpret their symptoms, and they do not take their medication regularly mostly due to the lack of awareness and education about their condition. There is also a scarcity in qualified asthma educators and physicians educating due to their busy clinical schedule
According to Dr Mayank Vats, Senior Specialist, Pulmonologist, Intensivist and Sleep Physician, Rashid Hospital, Dubai Health Authority, Dubai, UAE,“Apart from the genetic and familial predisposition, environmental factors such as dust, especially, changing weather, pollen, dust, mold, pet dander, cold air, respiratory infections (ex the common cold), smoke, stress, strong emotions, strenuous physical activity, allergic reactions to food or food preservatives, acid reflux, and certain medications such as aspirin and beta blockers will affect predisposed patients or worsen the existing asthma.”
Dr Vats will discuss his unique approach to treating and managing severe asthma at the Pulmonology Conference at the Healthcare Recruitment & Training Fair that will take place from October 31st – November 2nd 2015 at the Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, UAE.
“The complication of severe, uncontrolled asthma may become refractory to therapy due to the remodelling of the airways which results in a poor quality of life, frequent exacerbations and consequent ER visits, hospital admission, increased morbidity and mortality and increased direct and indirect cost of treatment for healthcare system and to the patients,” says Dr Vats.
The clinical history of patient should be determined, by administering physical examination, and performing a pulmonary function test and other tests to confirm the diagnosis and conduct a severity assessment. The patient should then be started on the appropriate medicines including step wise increments of medicines starting from inhaled corticosteroids, then long acting beta agonist and other anti-inflammatory agents. What is left is simply symptom management performed by adjusting inhalers/ medication dose according to the symptom to control any risk factors.