The Vehicles and Drivers Licensing Department at Abu Dhabi Police organized a health awareness program for its customers in collaboration with Universal Hospital. The program falls within the department’s initiative, ‘Life is Health’, which focuses on the importance of conducting regular medical checkups in order to maintain a healthy life.
A medical team from the hospital conducted medical checkups for the department members and customers which included taking measurements of body fat percentage, blood sugar levels, waist size, and blood pressure. The tests aim to educate the individuals who received the checkups about their body and to protect them from any complications that may arise due to unhealthy percentages. The objective of the initiative is to both educate and encourage people to make healthy decisions by eating right and exercising in order to protect themselves.
With the goal to foster health awareness amongst members of the community, the initiative falls within the framework of partnership between the Abu Dhabi Police and the society. The framework is implemented through the diversification of activities used to communicate with the public in a bid to foster their confidence and develop their satisfaction with the police services.