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Grandweld Successfully Delivered "SHAH 1" To ADNOC
(18 January 2015)


Grandweld Shipyards successfully delivered 42M Aluminium Fast Crew Boat “SHAH 1” to ADNOC group on the 14th January 2015. The contract for construction of the 42M Aluminum Crew Boat for Abu Dhabi National Oil Company (ADNOC) was signed on the 31st of December 2013. ADNOC awarded Grandweld after winning an international tendering for the Fast Crew Boat project and enhancing a successful business relationship. The 42M crew Boat is powered by 3 high speeds diesel engines driving 3 fixed pitch propellers and capable of developing a speed in excess of 21knots. The Boat shall be a Fast Crew Boat with diving support capability to provide various Services required in the offshore operations. The vessel has luxury features of 30 person’s crew seating capacity, with 104 sqm loading area for over 90 Tons of deck cargo requirements, and specially designed wheelhouse and crew cabins to Achieve highest quality standards and maximum space utilization and comfort. The vessels will be operated by Irshad in Fujairah Oil Terminal, and will be utilized to transport personnel and support offshore oil & gas Operations.


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