The Coordinating Committee of the Federal Community Police at the Ministry of Interior recently held its first meeting for this year in Abu Dhabi. The meeting was chaired by Lt. Colonel Mubarak Bin Muhairom, Head of the Federal Community Police Department and Chairman of the Coordinating Committee.
The meeting was attended by all of the members, along with heads of departments and chiefs of sections at the Community Police and the Social Support at the countrywide level. The attendees discussed a number of objectives and topics related to the Community Police’s field applications as applied at some police stations.
Lt. Colonel Bin Muhairom said that the meeting is a part of the MoI strategy, aimed at improving police work and attaining the highest levels of performance. “The meeting discussed the Community Police’s field operations that are applied in police stations in order to reach a unified model for Community Police’s applications across all police stations in the country, in addition to complementing the development of police performance, especially in the field of Community Policing.
Moreover, the meeting tackled a number of topics related to performance indicators for this year. It also reviewed the Community Police’s specialized strategic initiatives’ plans aimed at building a community-based database that would help the police institution, partners, and community members to identify society’s needs and establish priorities that need to be achieved.
In conclusion, attendees discussed the mechanisms that would enable Community Police departments and sections to review and establish unified procedures, including the exchange of knowledge and expertise among the community police departments and sections at the countrywide level.