As part of the agenda of the Abu Dhabi government to develop a comprehensive and sustainable statistical system that meets the needs of policy makers and business community, and contains adequate and reliable statistical data, the Abu Dhabi Retirement Pensions & Benefits Fund and Statistics Centre-Abu Dhabi signed an understanding agreement to exchange statistical data and cooperate in related areas. The primary purpose is to strengthen the institutional cooperation in the field of statistical work to achieve holistic integration.
The understanding has been signed by HE Khalaf Abdullah Rahma Al Hammadi Director General, of Abu Dhabi Retirement Pensions & Benefits Fund, as signed by the Statistics Centre in Abu Dhabi by HE Butti Ahmed Mohammed Bin Butti Al Qubaisi, Director General of the Centre.
The agreement stipulates that the two parties will exchange data and descriptive information within a specified time frame and coordinate efforts in the field of issuing annual reports on statistics framework. In addition, the two sides will work under the convention on the development of statistical standards and data methodologies to improve the quality of data and the application of the latest international standards in terms of definitions and statistical concepts, classifications and data structures.
In order to make best use of the data, the cooperation between the Abu Dhabi Retirement Pensions & Benefits Fund and Statistics Centre-Abu Dhabi SCAD will help identify/analyse the relevant statistical work collected by the Abu Dhabi Retirement Pensions & Benefits Fund. The two sides will also cooperate on the development of capabilities and statistical skills through the assessment of training needs and a committed training program, prepared by the Statistical Training Institute. The Center will also provide technical support for the management of statistical studies and technical support to the Abu Dhabi Retirement Pensions & Benefits Fund, in order to develop its institutional capability in the field of statistics.
The agreement also aims to develop a systematic and orderly framework for the exchange and reproduction of data, including electronic systems, schedules and procedures for supply of data, which will enable better implementation of joint projects and quicker delivery.
Commenting on the agreement, HE Khalaf Abdullah Rahma Al Hammadi Director General, of Abu Dhabi Retirement Pensions & Benefits Fund said, "The importance of statistical work comes from being beneficial to the community in the first place, as we are an integral part of society. This was the agreement with Statistics Centre in Abu Dhabi. Our aim of this agreement is to draw a methodological and orderly framework mission to exchange data between the two sides, which will help us achieve a comprehensive and sustainable statistical system in the Emirate, in addition to strengthening the bonds of inter-institutional cooperation. It will also ensure that there is no duplication in terms of efforts, which will eventually contribute to building and strengthening statistical capabilities in Abu Dhabi and help us keep up with local and international statistical requirements. "
HE Butti Ahmed Mohammed Bin Butti Al Qubaisi, Director General of the Statistics Centre-Abu Dhabi Statement:
On his part, HE Butti Ahmed Mohammed Bin Butti Al Qubaisi, Director General of Statistics Centre-Abu Dhabi mentioned, “The Convention will have a significant role in strengthening the efforts of Abu Dhabi Retirement Pensions & Benefits Fund.” He also praised the Abu Dhabi Retirement Pensions & Benefits Fund for the high standards of service in managing contributions, pensions and end-of-service benefits for UAE nationals and retirees in the government, semi-government departments and private sectors within the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.
Stressing that the Statistics Centre-Abu Dhabi is keen to coordinate efforts and close cooperation with government entities and non-governmental organizations, universities and scientific research centers and all relevant partners with statistical activities in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi, in an effort to find more effective system between the producers of statistics and information and the users, in order to make the most of the statistical resource utilization in Emirate of Abu Dhabi, and the preparation of a comprehensive statistical system is based on a solid scientific basis consistent with international best practices for the development of the Emirate's statistical system in the developed world-class systems, in terms of the quality of statistics and their relevance to the requirements of its users, and its accuracy and timeliness.
Al Qubaisi also stressed on the fervor of the Statistics Centre-Abu Dhabi to provide technical support to Abu Dhabi Retirement Pensions & Benefits Fund in the field of data processing and administrative records as well as in the field of statistical training relevant to his staff. This will help the staff perform their roles according to the methodology and criteria for the centre in statistical work and benefit from the expertise of the statistical training institute at the Centre. In addition to this, it will enable the staff to provide technical support in the field of conducting field surveys and opinion polls, coordination and cooperation in the common statistical surveys, including contributing to help decision-makers and policy-makers and the business sector to draw strategic plans based on accurate figures and reliable statistics to support development in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi at all levels.