Lieutenant Colonel Muzeed Al Otaibi, Chief of the Tourism Police Section at the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) at the Abu Dhabi Police, urged tourists against carrying large amounts of money during their travels and to use their credit cards for purchases. “By doing so, tourists will be able to maintain their safety and won’t be subjected to robbery. Moreover, tourists should also adhere to the laws of the UAE, be cognizant of local traditions and customs, and avoid ill behaviors,” he said.
These remarks will be included in the radio address by the Chief of the Tourism Police Section, which will be broadcasted live on Tuesday. The address falls within the framework of the ’Security Glances’ Campaign organized by the Radio Branch at the Security Media Department, the General Secretariat of the Office of H.H Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior.
“In an effort to provide the tourists and visitors to touristic sites with greater protection and security, the Tourism Police Section needs to adopt a number of intensive preventive measures –most particularly in the destinations that attract large numbers of tourists seeking leisurely activities during holidays, national and religious occasions, and events. These measures additionally aim to provide tourists with various means of comfort in order to not only ensure an enjoyable experience, but to maintain the security of the community as well,” Lieutenant Colonel Al Otaibi said.