According to the International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF), Vitamin D deficiency in the UAE is at 50 – 90 percent, one of the highest in the world. Vitamin D deficiency causes bone degeneration or osteoporosis. A silent killer, osteoporosis can causes fractures from a strong sneeze or cough and the sufferer can break a bone from a simple fall.
Due to the high incidence of Vitamin D deficiency in the country, Dr. Harold Vanderschmidt at Burjeel Hospital for Advanced Surgery in Dubai recommends a bone density test to determine the amount of mineral matter concentrated per square centimeter of the bone. This measurement gives an indication of the occurrence of osteoporosis and the risk of fractures. Bone density is measured through specialized X-rays which determine the amount of calcium and other minerals. The most commonly tested bones are the spine, hip and forearm.
“A doctor will order a bone density test for several reasons such as if a person has lost a few centimeters from their height due to compression fractures in their spine which is caused by osteoporosis. Another reason is if someone has fractured a bone – sometime a fracture occurs when the bone is so fragile that it breaks easily,” said Dr. Harold Vanderschmidt. “Certain drugs, like steroid medications, interfere in the bone’s ability to rebuild leading to osteoporosis so when a doctor prescribes such a medication, he or she orders regular bone density tests. Another category of patients who have to undergo bone density tests are those who have received a transplant because the anti-rejection drugs they are prescribed interfere with the bone’s rebuilding process. The last categories of people who are recommended a bone density test are those who have experienced a drop in hormone levels. “
Others at risk for developing bone degeneration are those who are heavy smokers or drink alcohol regularly.
Dr. Harold Vanderschmidt, Burjeel Hospital for Advanced Surgery recommends a complete bone health evaluation and test that includes a complete blood count and test for C - reactive protein, Alanine Aminotransferase, Alkaline Phosphatase, Creatinine, Calcium, Vitamin D, Phosphorous, Thyroid Stimulation Hormone, Fasting/Random Blood Sugar and DEXA scan.
“Burjeel Hospital for Advanced Surgery is committed to the sound health and wellbeing of the residents of the UAE and one way this commitment is translated is through educating the public on issues plaguing the community. Our bone health package at a special discounted rate is another way to encourage UAE’s residents to invest in their health,” said Dr. Shajir Gaffar, the CEO of Burjeel Hospital for Advanced Surgery, Dubai.