Lifecare Hospital, Baniyas - a unit of VPS Healthcare – as part of its CSR programme has initiated ‘STEP UP Campaign’ for a healthier lifestyle at numerous labor camps for the workers. The three month campaign is designed to create awareness about the ill-effects of smoking and to get the maximum number of people to quit smoking – a small step towards a bigger goal.
The first phase of the campaign is ‘Access’ – through cricket tournaments in various camps for the residents, the smokers are identified and motivated to enroll in the quit smoking initiative.
Phase two is ‘Counseling’ -- the participants who have enrolled in the quit smoking campaign are encouraged to visit Lifecare Hospital, Baniyas for counseling sessions by various doctors in their native languages and shown presentation on the ill- effects of smoking.
In the final phase ‘Support and follow up’ -- the campaign has introduced Yoga and Laughter therapy to reduce the stress levels among the participants. Furthermore, the participants are given fruit baskets, lunch coupons and various gift hampers to support and motivate them in their journey towards a smoke-free life.
Dr. Micheal Sobhy Awad, Specialist Internal Medicine, Lifecare Hospital, Baniyas, said that smoking is a major health concern with direct relation to respiratory disorders, cancers and cardio vascular diseases. Getting one person to quit not only affects that single individual but will also affect the people around them.
“Lifecare Hospital Baniyas mostly caters to low income workers living in the area. We are aware that majority of their health issues are due to an unhealthy lifestyle and one of the major causes is lack of awareness regarding the harmful effects of smoking. Our aim is to conduct regular campaigns which will have a direct impact on their daily lifestyle hence making their lives healthier,” said Dr. Arun Menon, Director of Operations, Lifecare Hospital, Baniyas.
According to World Health Organisation (WHO) statistics tobacco epidemic is one of the biggest public health threats world-wide.
"Through this community welfare initiative Lifecare Hospital, Baniyas is providing encouragement to quit smoking for a healthier lifestyle. It can be a challenge to quit but quitting smoking is one of best choices one can make for improving health", Dr. Arun concluded.