To mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women celebrated on November 25 each year, the Naturalization, Residency and Ports Affairs at the Ministry of Interior organized an awareness lecture under the slogan “How Women can Protect Themselves”. The lecture that took place at the Spirit of the Union hall was delivered by Khalifa Mohammed Al Mehrezi, Chairman of the UAE Family Consultative Council.
The lecturer talked about women in general, their strong will, their struggle and the need to raise their awareness about their rights. Moreover, he stressed that violence against women is a widespread issue that needs to be uprooted worldwide.
Additionally, Al Mehrezi gave an overview of violence and abuse that befall women in general. He stressed that violence against women takes many forms, namely social, domestic, sexual and verbal violence. He also provided several examples of these forms of violence against women.
The Chairman of the Family Consultative Council shed the light on the legal methods and means to protect women against violence. Towards the end of the lecture, the floor was opened for discussions and the lecturer answered the questions and queries of the attendees.
The lecture was attended by Colonel Taleb Abdul Kareem Mahmoud, Chief of the Media and Public Relations Section; along with a large number of officers, non-commissioned officers, constables and female staff members from the Naturalization, Residency and Ports Affairs sector.