MetLife has become the latest signatory of the AmCham (American Business Group of Abu Dhabi and US Chamber of Commerce) Abu Dhabi's Women Achieve, an innovative programme established by its Women in Business Committee that promotes the professional advancement of women.
The programme was developed to encourage companies and organisations to give women more opportunities to advance their careers by offering them positions of greater responsibility and leadership.
MetLife is now the 30th organisation that has joined an expanding list of leading companies that support the Women Achieve initiative including Accenture, Al Noor Hospitals Group, AMIDEAST, Bechtel, BrandMoxie, Boeing, Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi, ExxonMobil, F&E Aerospace, Institute of Management Accountants Middle East, Lockheed Martin Global Inc., Mubadala GE Capital, New York Institute of Technology, Northrop Grumman, Olgoonik Global Security, Parsons, Patton Boggs LLP, and others.
As a supporter of the Women Achieve programme, MetLife reassures its commitment to provide a work environment that is favourable to women's development by empowering women to refine their leadership skills and flourish in their respective jobs and areas of expertise.
Established in January 2013, Women Achieve emphasises seven key ideals, which direct companies towards acquiring a supportive work environment for the professional advancement of women. These ideals include encouraging women to grow through training, shadowing, coaching, mentorship and internship programmes, as well as considering female candidates for new opportunities and the support of 'rising stars' into leadership positions.
Women Achieve also encourages the induction of women to serve on boards of various organisations and advocates the importance of fair remuneration for female employees.
MetLife, a pioneer of life insurance in the UAE, has been helping people and businesses with their insurance needs since 1962.
Women Achieve is an initiative by AmCham Abu Dhabi's Women in Business Committee to support the advancement of women into positions of higher responsibility and leadership within companies and organisations.