Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week 2015 (ADSW) will kick off a pivotal year in sustainable development as world leaders prepare for the UN Climate Change Conference (COP 21) in Paris and work toward a universal agreement on mitigating climate change. ADSW complements these global efforts by providing a platform that enables a private sector, bottom-up approach to accelerate commercially driven solutions that tackle interconnected resource and climate challenges.
Hosted by Masdar, Abu Dhabi’s renewable energy company, ADSW 2015 addresses the complex inter-relationships between energy, water and food, and the importance of effective waste management strategies in supporting economic and social development. The urgency of these issues will be underscored by COP 21.
“ADSW is a platform that drives the private sector solutions required for the advancement of sustainable development and renewable energy adoption,” said H. E Dr. Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, UAE minister of state and chairman of Masdar. “Our bottom-up approach recognizes that national governments alone cannot solve these pressing issues. Increasingly, effective solutions are being driven by corporations and community leaders.”
One example of bottom-up, commercially driven solutions that have emerged from ADSW is Masdar’s desalination pilot project.
Announced during ADSW 2013, the partnership united a cadre of companies in an effort to accelerate commercial-scale, renewable-energy powered desalination technology. If proven scalable, the technology could seriously address the UAE’s long-term water security, as the country is experiencing robust economic growth, resulting in increasing demands.
“Water security is one of the most pressing issues around the world,” said HE Dr. Al Jaber. “But it’s particularly urgent within the Gulf region, where our climate presents us with limited natural options. Our desalination project is an excellent example of how industry stakeholders can align, forge strategic partnerships and develop bottom-up solutions.
“ADSW is a global platform,” said HE Dr. Al Jaber, “that unites key industry players – from policy makers to corporate leaders – to ignite actions that accelerate commercial opportunities to address energy and water security, waste and that promote sustainable development.”
ADSW, which runs from January 17-24, is expected to attract more than 32,000 leaders from industry, academia and government to Abu Dhabi. The 2015 program will feature a series of complementary events, conference and exhibitions, including:
The World Future Energy Summit (WFES) is the world’s foremost event dedicated to the advancement of renewable energy, energy efficiency and clean technology. This year there will be a particular focus on the growing clean energy investment opportunities of the Middle East and Africa – two of the world’s most promising renewable energy markets – with participation from several Africa ministers and regional leaders.
The International Water Summit (IWS) provides a business approach to addressing water scarcity, sustainable growth and economic development in arid regions. Attended by the global water community, the event will highlight the future challenges of water availability and promote international collaboration on water governance to address the relationship between water and energy.
EcoWASTE is presented in partnership with Tadweer, Center of Waste Management-Abu Dhabi. This year, EcoWASTE will focus on development of the GCC’s waste management challenges and opportunities, and will highlight progress and opportunities in sustainable waste management and showcase the adoption of cutting-edge technology such as waste-to-energy.
The Zayed Future Energy Prize award ceremony will announce the winners of the US$4 million prize, which rewards innovators, organization and schools addressing global sustainability and energy challenges.
The General Assembly, January 17, of the International Renewable Energy Agency – the world's intergovernmental organization dedicated to accelerating the adoption of renewable energy – will open the week of ADSW.