More than 100 of the foremost global IT standardization experts have gathered in Abu Dhabi for the 29th plenary meeting of the Joint Technical Committee 1 of the International Organization for Standardization & International Electro-technical Commission (ISO/IEC JTC 1).
Jointly hosted by the Emirates Authority for Standardization & Metrology (ESMA) and the Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council (QCC), the six day meeting opened today with a welcome note by Farah Al Zarooni, Standards Director at ESMA.
The 29th plenary meeting aims to review the committee’s progress on standardization of IT subject areas such as cyber-security, smart cards and user interfaces. Additionally, various subcommittees and work teams are set to present future plans on the worldwide business and consumer applications of ICT standards and systems.
Hosting the event in the capital city of Abu Dhabi articulates the alignment of JTC1’s mandate with the UAE’s overarching vision and strategy to transform into a world leader in smart government. The meeting concludes on 20 November.
Mohamed Helal Al Balooshi, Acting Director of Marketing and Communications at QCC, said: “The ICT sector plays a key role in creating employment opportunities and promoting competitiveness of diverse economic sectors. In its pursuit to build a knowledge economy, the UAE is committed to the development and adoption of cutting-edge sustainable standards in the ICT domain.
“Hosting this international event in Abu Dhabi will enhance our prominent status as a leading tech hub in the region. We look forward to convening this platform to discuss latest international practices and ICT trends and highlight the need to further tap into the domain for promoting social and economic growth worldwide.”
Despite its established role in driving growth and development, the dynamic ICT eco-system continues to present new challenges in standardization. The UAE proactively addresses these challenges in its overarching goal to shape smart cities. In the 2012-2013 Network Readiness Index (NRI), the UAE was pegged at the 25th place among 144 countries and ranked first in both mobile network coverage and the government’s success in ICT promotion.
Joining global forums and international organizations embodies Abu Dhabi’s commitment towards fulfilling the UAE Vision 2021, which requires identifying related technical and legislative gaps, systems and existing technologies. In order to fulfill the ever-developing government and consumer needs, new standardized specifications need to be developed.
JTC1 offers an effective international platform for experts and specialists to cooperate on developing global standard specifications and ICT standards for worldwide consumer applications. JTC1 also offers an equally suitable environment for the development of standard specifications that ensure compatibility and integration of various complex technologies in the ICT sector relying on the basic infrastructure established by JTC centers of expertise.
The international standard specifications developed by JTC are the main standards followed by international IT and ICT companies across different industries. These standards have played a critical role in the evolution of the ICT sector, impacting the work and everyday life of consumers and distributors in terms of delivery of service, access to information, and the quality of devices and tools.
The Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council was established in 2009 to raise the quality of Abu Dhabi’s exports and products traded locally, while protecting the interests of the emirate’s consumers and supporting its competitive economy. The organization’s goals are achieved through enabling regulators to establish and implement product safety, legal metrology and conformity schemes. QCC also sets guidelines and benchmarks to identify and verify that the products manufactured and traded in the emirate conform to the highest quality standards.