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QCC Hosts Workshop In Al Ain To Raise Standards At Testing And Calibration Laboratories Across Abu Dhabi
(12 November 2014)


Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council (QCC), the entity responsible for developing quality infrastructure and raising awareness on quality standards in Abu Dhabi, has organized a workshop with the participation of 27 engineers, lab technicians, quality management laboratory managers and quality assessors. The training program aimed to provide the participants with an insight into ISO/IEC 17025:2005 standards for testing and calibration labs, as part of QCC’s priority to improve competency levels in the emirate and align them with highest global standards.

The five-day training program runs until 13 November in Al Ain, and seeks to enhance the knowledge of assessors on the requirements of quality management systems as well as develop their administrative and technical operation skills to ensure the effectiveness of services offered by QCC’s testing and calibration labs.

Conducted over five sessions, the training program covers key topics such as quality system management requirements, quality system technical requirements, as well as policies and accreditation processes of the Emirates National Accreditation System (ENAS). Following lectures, trainees will participate in interactive group assignments and a variety of exercises to assess and further improve their understanding.

Abdulla Hassan Al Muaini, Executive Director of Conformity Scheme Services at QCC, said: “The development of international standards across our testing and calibration laboratories is a core priority for QCC. Expanding the participants’ knowledge and improving their ability to comply with ISO/IEC 17025 will confirm consistent technical implementation of quality and conformity standards across the emirate of Abu Dhabi. By ensuring that the recognition and accreditation of our labs is in line with ever evolving international quality standards, QCC reiterates its commitment to contribute to accelerating quality infrastructure development in the UAE capital.

“The feedback from the participants will also help us conduct better training programs to cater to the future needs of those working in testing and calibration labs, and build our capacities and resources through offering sector-specific training programs for the continuous enhancement of services in Abu Dhabi.”

The Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council was established in 2009 to raise the quality of Abu Dhabi’s exports and products traded locally. QCC sets guidelines and benchmarks to identify and verify that products manufactured and traded in the emirate conform to the highest quality standards. In addition to protecting the interests of Abu Dhabi’s consumers, QCC is mandated to support its competitive economy and integration into the global marketplace. This is achieved through enabling regulators to establish and implement product safety, legal metrology and conformity schemes. 

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