The Emirates Traffic Safety Society (ETSS) will be organizing the International Conference on “E-Technology and Road Safety”, in Abu Dhabi, on the 26 and 27 of November, 2014. The conference, which will take place under the auspices of Lt. General H.H Sheikh Saif bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, Honorary President of the Society, is held in cooperation with the International Organization for the Prevention of Road Accidents (‘Prévention Routière Internationale’ PRI), the Arab Organization for Traffic Safety (AROSO), the World Health Organization (WHO), the Traffic Injury Research Foundation (TIRF); Canada's Road Safety Research Institute, and the Joint Safety and Traffic Solutions Committee.
Mohammed Saleh bin Badwa Al Darmaki, Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Emirates Traffic Safety Society, expressed his sincere thanks and appreciation for His Highness kind patronage for the conference. “This noble gesture reflects His Highness keenness and commitment to promote the security and safety of road users and reduce the risks of accidents and their devastating results,” noted Al Darmaki. Furthermore, Al Darmaki emphasized that the support and care bestowed by His Highness have enabled the ETSS to pursue its efforts and achieve its goals aimed at instilling the road safety culture among all road users.
Adding further, Al Darmaki indicated that the conference will shed the light on the use of modern technologies on board of the vehicle and how they impact the behavior of both the driver and passengers. It will also tackle the use of modern technologies by pedestrians and road users, and how they may distract them while walking on the road and at intersections, ultimately leading to traffic accidents.
Moreover, Al Darmaki explained that more than 22 countries and traffic safety entities will take part in the conference and submit scientific research papers related to the conference’s themes and objectives. Traffic safety-related experiences of a number of developed countries such as Canada and Sweden will also be showcased during the conference, in addition to the local participations from the UAE.
Adding further, Al Darmaki noted that the conference aims to highlight methods using E-Technology to curb the use of mobile phones while driving. The attendees will also examine solutions provided by modern e-techniques that can positively influence drivers’ behavior while driving, particularly the youth who are the most engaged users of e-technology. The conference will also provide participants with the opportunity to share global expertise and experiences of dealing with the behavior of various types of road users and to review samples of solutions adopted in the developed countries to encourage safe driving behaviors using e-technology. The conference will also shed light on the most important research and studies conducted in a number of countries which leveraged modern e-technology to curb traffic accidents, as well as the scientific and practical solutions in this area. It will also aim at encouraging different groups of road users to join safety-related voluntary initiatives, through social media, and at producing materials that contribute to disseminating traffic safety awareness, identifying shortcomings and challenges, and submitting solutions and alternatives to be discussed at the domestic and international levels.
In conclusion, Mohammed Saleh bin Badwa Al Darmaki said, “Participation in the conference is open to all civil associations, bodies, committees, governmental and non-governmental councils working in the field of traffic safety at the local, regional and international levels, as well as traffic and licensing bodies, authorities concerned with roads, transport, environment, health, education and higher education, insurance companies, driving schools, telecommunications companies, experts, researchers and academics from global research centers and institutes specialized in road safety and risk behaviors.”