Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council (QCC) hosted a competency training program for 25 lifting equipment inspectors in Abu Dhabi as part of its priority to develop and nurture national human capital and instill world class standards of quality in Abu Dhabi.
Held in association with the UK-based Lifting Equipment Engineers Association (LEEA), the training program evaluated the performance and efficiency levels of lifting equipment inspectors working in private sector to verify compliance with QCC’s requirements and technical regulations.
Proficiency testing exercises were conducted as part of the program to assess the competency levels of lifting equipment inspectors, particularly those operating within the engineering field. Based on the outcomes of the proficiency test, assessment officers developed statistical evaluations of each inspector’s performance. The trainers then defined the scope of work for the participants and developed individual reports to help the inspectors take ownership of their personal development.
The program, conducted over three sessions, eventually helped benchmark the inspectors’ performance against their peers at other government entities in Abu Dhabi.
Abdullah Hassan Al Muaini, Executive Director of Conformity Scheme Services at QCC, said: “Investing in our people – in this case the inspectors – is a core objective for QCC. Our inspectors represent QCC’s reputation and carry a responsibility to ensure its reputation, both with the UAE and overseas. Their competency and performance significantly contribute to our efforts of ensuring that quality standards in Abu Dhabi are among the highest in the world. As Abu Dhabi grows and develops trade relations with global partners, it is important that we continue to evolve our standardization criteria and reinforce our commitment to quality.”
Andrew Wright, Learning & Development Manager – LEEA, said: “We are delighted to work alongside QCC to deliver proficiency testing to the Council’s inspectors. We truly believe that our partnership in hosting such programs will help establish baseline competencies of Abu Dhabi-based inspectors and play a significant part in raising standards, while considerably improving safety.
“The feedback we have received from this session is most encouraging. However, training is not and should not be the end of the learning cycle. Such sessions need to be held on an ongoing basis as part of the organization’s professional development priority.”
Jesus Gregorio, one of the delegates to the session, said: “The workshop helped us master new skills and be mindful of some important procedures that we often tend to skip without realizing their consequences. It has also helped me pay closer attention to my work functions towards ensuring that I follow the right procedures when handling lifting equipment.”
Sinoj Antony, a lead engineer, said: “The initiative offered us an excellent opportunity to interact with our peers and discuss common errors and wrong practices that we fail to notice while carrying out our tasks. The session also helped enhance our ability to identify risks. I thank QCC for facilitating this valuable training session.”
The Abu Dhabi Quality and Conformity Council was established in 2009 to raise the quality of Abu Dhabi’s exports and products traded locally. QCC sets guidelines and benchmarks to identify and verify that products manufactured and traded in the emirate conform to the highest quality standards. In addition to protecting the interests of Abu Dhabi’s consumers, QCC is mandated to support its competitive economy and integration into the global marketplace. This is achieved through enabling regulators to establish and implement product safety, legal metrology and conformity schemes.