His Excellency T. P. Seetharam, Ambassador of the Republic of India to the UAE praised the advanced levels of services provided to the inmates of the Punitive and Correctional Establishments in the UAE, as shown in the survey conducted by the embassy of its national inmates incarcerated in the UAE in order to identify their conditions and needs. Only 10% of the responders expressed their wish to spend their remaining sentences in their home country when the Prisoners Exchange Agreement signed between the two countries comes into effect; which indicates the level of general satisfaction among inmates regarding their conditions.
The Indian Ambassador also noted that the surveys conducted regularly by the embassy to review the conditions of its nationals incarcerated at the Punitive Establishment in the UAE have always yielded positive results; whereas no complaints were registered with respect to treatment standards or provision of special and general needs, as well as health, rehabilitation, and recreational care for all inmates, including the Indian inmates.
His Excellency T. P. Seetharam praised the efforts of the Ministry of Interior, the Abu Dhabi Police GHQ, and the Security Media Department, aimed at enhancing social communication initiatives with the Indian community residing in the country through the weekly topics presented via Al Siraj newspaper and on the Indian TV channels. “Such outstanding initiatives are unparalleled in any country or any other ministry in the world,” he said.