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Italian Military Attache Reviews ADP Security Support Section’s Tasks
(9 October 2014)


Lieutenant Colonel Di Lucci, Military Attache at the Italian Embassy in the UAE, reviewed the tasks and workflow at the Security Support Section at Abu Dhabi Police. Lieutenant Di Lucci expressed his admiration of the rapid response of the security support patrols to the various reports and notifications, and praised their readiness and observance of legal procedures.

Lieutenant Colonel Khaled Saeed Al Shamesi, Chief of Security Support Section at Abu Dhabi Police General Headquarters, met the Military Attaché at the Italian Embassy to the UAE at his office; and gave him an overview of the section’s role, as well as the strategy of the Abu Dhabi Police GHQ.

“The UAE Government strives to ensure the safety of life and property by observing the national response plan in cases of crisis and disasters. This plan is in pursuance of the Ministry of Interior’s mission aimed at safeguarding life and property and boosting readiness and training. This approach is based on the fact that the urban expansion and increased population density require additional efforts to maintain national gains and achievements,” underlined Lieutenant Colonel Al Shamesi.

Furthermore, he noted that the section supports all police field units, carries out its duties and tasks in record time, and works round the clock to maintain security.

Towards the end of the meeting, which was attended by a number of officers, Lieutenant Colonel Al Shamesi offered a commemorative shield to the Italian Military Attache. 

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