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2014 Korea Festival In UAE
(9 October 2014)


The Korean Embassy is to host the Korea Festival 2014 in the UAE from October 9th to 29th, involving around 10 cultural programmes at the Abu Dhabi Theater-Breakwater, Al Jazira Sports Club and Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Center, amongst others.

This special event has been put together to introduce Korean culture in the U.A.E. and promote a mutual cultural understanding between the two countries.

Kwon Hae-ryong, the Korean Ambassador to the U.A.E., said, "This will be a great opportunity for everyone to experience various Korean cultures in a short time frame, including the Korean tradition, K-POP, non-verbal performances, food and movie screening." He added, "I hope to see many Emiratis and Koreans in the U.A.E. making great use of the event as a way to expand the mutual understanding and cultural exchanges of the two nations."

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