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Growth In Demand For Power In The MENA Region Expected To Increase By Seven Per Cent Annually Until 2020
(8 October 2014)


The urgent need for significant investment in infrastructure and asset management to satisfy the growing demand for power and water in the MENA region will be the focus of the upcoming POWER-GEN Middle East (PGME) and WaterWorld Middle East (WWME) Conferences and Exhibition to be held in Abu Dhabi from 12 to 14 of October 2014 at Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC).

White papers developed by Frost & Sullivan, a leading consulting firm, highlighting the significant gaps between water consumption and water production in the GCC region, and the demand for a further diversified power supply mix across the MENA region, will feature proximately throughout the conferences.  Frost & Sullivan identified that around 43 per cent of the additional power capacity required to address the growing demand for power across MENA will be created by GCC countries. This demonstrates the need to find regional solutions to address stability and sustainability challenges associated with the power supply.

“Ensuring the local power and water supply will continue to fuel and support the region’s economy goes beyond making strategic investments,” said Nigel Blackaby, Event Director of PGME.” “Maximizing the potential of assets and a commitment to conservation are important components of an effective power and water management strategy.  As the host to these leading conferences, Abu Dhabi is well positioned to demonstrate its leadership towards stability and sustainability and to share best practices in support of regional goals with leaders and decision makers.”

The proposed conference topics and the list of high calibre speakers have already encouraged thought leaders and decision makers from more than 65 countries around the world to attend this event.

The conferences and exhibition will kick-off with keynote addresses from Mr. Yury Sentyurin, State Secretary ­ Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, Dr. Hisham Khatib, Honorary Vice Chairman, World Energy Council, Jordan, and former Jordanian Cabinet Minister and Alan Thomson, Managing Director of the event partner for WWME, Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC).

The Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation will also be hosting a forum during the conferences as part of the Russian government’s commitment to providing global energy security, developing international energy cooperation and ensuring sustainable economic development of the MENA region.

“The international presence at this year’s event is an acknowledgment of the potential of the regional marketplace from both an investment and leadership perspective,” said Tom Freyberg, Conference Director for WaterWorld Middle East.  “It also demonstrates a willingness to collectively tackle the challenges associated with rapidly growing demands for power and water. Delegates will be spoilt for choice with panels featuring industry technical experts and with access to recently published white papers and research.  Delegate places are still available, and we encourage everyone in the power and water industries to consider the value access to local, regional and international technical experts would bring.”

Coinciding with the conference sessions, the joint exhibition will showcase the latest equipment and technologies by regional and international exhibitors. Companies represented include the likes of AAF, ABB, ADSSC, Crescent Middle East Trading & Oil-Fields Services, Masaood John Brown, GE Power & Water, Siemens, Veolia, Wartsila and Xylem.

The 12th annual POWER-GEN Middle East provides the platform for the international power community to meet and receive vital information first hand. The event offers a unique forum to meet the region’s power needs by putting them face-to-face with key decision makers and providing the best possible opportunity to share ideas, meet new contacts and build business relationships.

For the third occasion, WaterWorld Middle East will be held as a co-located event with POWER-GEN Middle East, establishing itself as an important regional event dedicated to strategic and technical issues in the water and wastewater industry.

Both POWER-GEN Middle East and WaterWorld Middle East are owned and managed by PennWell Corporation.

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