The Community Police Department at Abu Dhabi Police launched an outreach campaign under the theme “Our Children, Our Responsibility”. The initiative falls in line with the annual plan for awareness-raising programs and campaigns carried out by the Community Police for 2014.
Lt. Colonel Mubarak Bin Muhairom, Head of Department of Community Police, noted that this campaign aims to raise security awareness in a bid to protect children from the potential dangers. “It also provides parents with guidelines on how to supervise children in order to avoid falling accidents and dangerous toys, because protection and security of children is a shared responsibility,” said Bin Muhairom. Adding further, he highlighted the role of the Community Police in providing advice and guidance to parents about the risks associated with leaving their children unattended on balconies, inside vehicles, near swimming pools or when playing in the streets. It also warns them against allowing children to handle sharp tools or playing with fireworks.
In conclusion, the Head of the Community Police Department indicated that the campaign seeks to educate parents on the importance of keeping an eye on their children, getting to know their friends, checking the places they frequent, and following-up on their homework and their education level by constantly communicating with their school.