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Al Ain Police Enhance Security Efforts During EID
(2 October 2014)


The Al Ain Police Directorate is prepared to enhance its policing and community efforts for residents and visitors to the city of Al Ain during the Eid Al-Adha holidays. The efforts, which will be held in various areas such as tourist attractions, parks, markets, and malls; aim to strengthen the safety and security of the public and community members

Brigadier Hamad Ajlan Al Amimi, Director of the Al Ain Police Directorate, said, “The personnel of the directorate have developed security plans in order to preserve the safety of the public and of the visitors in Al Ain across the different regions, mosques, gardens, and parks that are expected have the busiest turnouts the most traffic and congestion.” He added that safety efforts will also cover residential neighborhoods as well as the entrances and exits of the city before and after the Eid. Police officers will be largely available in such places in order to provide assistance.

Brigadier Al Amimi called upon the public to abide by the conditions of safety and security, and to exercise caution while driving, out on a stroll, or visiting friends and relatives. Urging parents to continuously look after their children’s safety, he said, “Do not leave your children alone to play in dangerous places like streets, malls, and swimming pools; or allow them to play with fireworks during the Eid holiday.” He noted that some families have become accustomed to granting their children the freedom to leave their vehicles for a stroll, without placing any restrictions to protect them from accidents. “Police stations can receive urgent calls on 999, and are always ready to communicate with and provide assistance to the public,” he said before wishing everyone a happy holiday.  

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