Houston-based World Confederation of Business has held the fourth of its annual award ceremonies in the Middle East – BIZZ ARABIC 2014 AWARDS – at the Emirates Palace Hotel, in Abu Dhabi. The much-coveted awards are designed to promote new business opportunities, social responsibility, and business excellence among WORLDCOB members, and this year’s ceremony recognised the efforts of pioneering businesses from almost 30 countries – and not just in the Gulf.
Thirteen companies and organisations in the UAE collected awards, with a further 16 awards being handed over to GCC countries. Baghdad Soft Drinks Company collected Iraq’s only award, while Latin America, Southeast Asia, and a host of African countries had a strong presence at the global award ceremony. Award categories included “ENTREPRENEURIAL,” “INSPIRATIONAL,” “PEAK OF SUCCESS,” “BEYOND SUCCESS,” “BE A LEGEND,” and “GLORY”. Meanwhile, a highly rigorous evaluation process and committee were responsible for judging companies based on various aspects of their operations.
THE WORLD CONFEDERATION OF BUSINESSES (WORLDCOB) has recognised more than 3,000 companies in over 100 countries through its ten-year old award ceremony, held in different countries each year. Through these awards, WORLDCOB provides companies with incentive and motivation to continue participating in the business world and setting an example for others corporations to follow, in their respective countries. This has contributed much to labor, economic, and social development.
The first was held in 2009 at the Burj Al Arab, followed in 2012 by a ceremony in Doha, Qatar, and then last year in Dubai. Past award recipients include Fortune 500 companies such as Oman Arab Bank, Saudi Telecom Company, Abu Dhabi University, Qatar Airways, National Bank of Bahrain, Fastelco, Al Sulaimi Group, and Doha Bank, among other major businesses. For photos of the ceremony visit our Facebook fan page. For more information visit www.thebizz2014.com.