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Emirati Wins Bentley Gt V8 In Emirates Islamic’s Second Quarter Kunooz Draw
(15 September 2014)


Emirates Islamic, one of the leading Islamic financial institutions in the UAE, announced the names of three lucky winners of the Kunooz quarterly draw for the second quarter of 2014. Khalid Ibrahim Al Ansari, a UAE national, became the lucky owner of a brand new Bentley GT V8, while Raghubir Singh Balvinder, an Indian, won AED one million dirhams in cash. The studio apartment for this quarter was won by Iraqi national, Jawad Hussain Mohammed. 

Faisal Aqil, Deputy CEO – Consumer Wealth Management, Emirates Islamic, said: “Emirates Islamic offers customers a variety of innovative opportunities to enrich their present and financially secure their future. Through weekly and quarterly draws, Kunooz savings account continues to improve people’s lives and encourages them to save on a regular basis. Emirates Islamic congratulates the winners of this quarter and looks forward to welcoming more people to the Kunooz family.” 

Khalid Ibrahim Al Ansari, who made an impulsive decision to invest in a Kunooz savings account while he was at Dubai airport on a trip to Sweden about nine months ago, said: “I could not believe my ears and thinking it may be a fraud, actually hung up on the caller at first, I am delighted that my impulse decision has given me such a generous reward,” said the 31-year old winner of the Bentley. 

Raghubir Singh, the one million dirham cash prize winner plans to spend a portion of his winnings on his family as well as donate to charity. He stated that Emirates Islamic is his bank of choice as he has always received great customer service, and the Kunooz draw is an added benefit to look forward to. 

Emirates Islamic’s Kunooz account offers customers the chance to win a million dirhams, a luxury car or a studio apartment every quarter, through maintaining a minimum balance of AED 5,000 over a three-month period. Additionally, customers have the opportunity to win one of three prizes of AED 25,000 every week by maintaining an average account balance of AED 1,000 over a seven-day period.

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