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UAE Drives Training Across New Borders To Develop Motor Sport
(24 August 2014)


 Training teams from the UAE are continuing to cross new borders to help with the development of motor sport around the world.

Bosnia has become the latest country to turn to the Automobile and Touring Club for the UAE for specialist training of senior officials on key aspects of rally organisation and other grass roots motor sport activities.

The Club’s training and education arm, the Motorsport Knowledge Institute, will send a team to Sarajevo next month to deliver a three-day training programme for the Bosnia and Herzegovina Automobile Club.

MKI training teams will also return to Chile and Albania for repeat visits in September to help again with the development of motor sport in those countries.

The ATCUAE is one of nine national motor sport authorities worldwide which delivers training on behalf of the FIA Institute. 

“Over the last two years we have provided  training for 20 other national motor sport authorities across the Middle East, Africa, Europe and South America, and we’ve done this in six languages” said ATCUAE President Mohammed Ben Sulayem, the FIA Vice President.

“We’re proud of the fact that the training methods and programmes developed here in the UAE are in such great demand.”

A recent two-day programme for the Algerian Motor Sports Federation was delivered in French by Italian former world rally champion co-driver Tiziano Siviero, who is being contracted to work with the MKI on specific overseas projects.

Tiziano, who won the 1988 and 1989 WRC titles with Miki Biasion, has previously helped deliver training programmes in Spanish in several South American countries, and was part of a four-man team in Algiers.

“We have also delivered training in Russian, Italian, Spanish, English and Arabic, and have a great ally in Tiziano, who is an old friend from my competitive WRC days,” said Sulayem.

“Our ability to offer training in so many languages means we can continue to go further afield to help with the development of motor sport in the future.”

A team  recently returned from Tehran after delivering an intensive two-day training programme for the Motorcycle and Automobile Federation of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

This was part of preparations for a rally to be staged by Iran  in September as a candidate event for inclusion in the 2015 FIA Middle East Rally Championship.

It was the 20th such programme to be delivered by the ATCUAE worldwide since it was awarded Regional Training Provider status by the FIA Institute in December 2012.


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