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International Thought Leaders on Energy and Water Management Return to Abu Dhabi for Leading Conference
(9 August 2014)
Russian Federation to hold Forum focused on sustainability


Delegates from over 65 countries are set to attend the upcoming POWER-GEN Middle East (PGME) and WaterWorld Middle East (WWME) Conferences and Exhibition to be held in Abu Dhabi from 12 to 14 of October 2014 at Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre (ADNEC).

A first for region, the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation will also be hosting a forum during the conferences, endorsed by the Russian Energy Minister, as part of the Russian government's commitment to providing global energy security, developing international energy cooperation and ensuring sustainable economic development of the MENA region.  This full-day event is expected to attract additional delegates from around the globe interested in learning more about Russia's 2030 Energy Strategy and investment opportunities in the energy sector.

"Global interest in the MENA region is being driven by an estimated future growth in electricity demand of, on average, seven per cent per year, which is likely to require an investment of as much as $283 billion within the region's overall power sector, between 2014 and 2018, said Nigel Blackaby, Event Director of PGME. "POWER-GEN Middle East is returning to Abu Dhabi in response to the progressive solutions put forward by local companies to address the energy demands in the region, and in acknowledgment of its investment potential. We are pleased to see POWER-GEN Middle East Conference back in Abu Dhabi where it first started 12 years ago."

Dr. Hisham Khatib, Honorary Vice Chairman, World Energy Council, Jordan, and former Jordanian Minister of Energy, will be the keynote speaker alongside other prestigious speakers including Alan Thomson, Managing Director, Abu Dhabi Sewerage Services Company (ADSSC).

"The Middle East offers exciting business opportunities for the global water industry," said Alan Thomson. "Spurred on by a buoyant economy and population growth, the GCC countries are looking to invest $130 billion over the next decade to meet future water demand and introduce new measures to achieve long-term sustainable water and energy supplies.  It is the goal of WaterWorld Middle East to connect investors with innovators to create a more sustainable path forward for water conservation and management, and ADSSC looks forward to learning more about best practices from international leaders in order to best protect this at-risk resource."

The 12th annual POWER-GEN Middle East provides the platform for the international power community to meet and receive vital information first hand. The event offers a unique forum to meet the region's power needs by putting them face-to-face with key decision makers and providing the best possible opportunity to share ideas, meet new contacts and build business relationships.

For the third occasion, WaterWorld Middle East will be held as a co-located event with POWER-GEN Middle East, establishing itself as an important regional event dedicated to strategic and technical issues in the water and wastewater industry.

The Delegate Early Bird Discount offering at least 10% off is available until 12 September 2014 and visitor entry to the exhibition is free.

The Preliminary Event Guides for POWER-Gen Middle East and WaterWorld Middle East are now available and can be found at and

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