The nationwide campaign to help people keep their skin healthy by testing their skincare condition at Medicine Shoppe Mushrif Mall Pharmacies has generated an overwhelming response.
The campaign, conducted jointly by Al Hikma, the Dubai-based company specializing in promoting premium skincare solutions and health products, and Medicine Shoppe pharmacies, which runs 07 pharmacies housed at some of the most prominent locations in UAE, aims to serve more than 5000+ customers until Eid Al Fitr holidays.
The ‘Have Healthy Skin during Ramadan’ campaign is a call to action for people across the UAE. The educational part of this campaign is run by pharmacists who conduct tests to refer people with serious skin damage to see specialist doctors.
“We are delighted to co-host this campaign with Medicine Shoppe pharmacies which is a leading pharmacy chain in the UAE. We represent Vitia Floris, Vinoderm, TOITBEL and SWISSCODE, amongst other globally reputable skincare brands, and we are offering special discounts on these products to visitors of Medicine Shoppe pharmacies,” said Dr Ali. F. Abdulqader, Managing Director, Al Hikma FZCO.
“We aim to help people to pay extra attention to skincare during Ramadan, especially since it coincides with summer when temperatures are extreme, which damage sensitive skin of some people vulnerable to such high temperatures and heat,” he added.
He explained: “There is a strong beauty culture prevailing in the UAE. The campaign is focusing on health and nutrition products and non-perfumed skincare during Ramadan, and skincare and beauty during Eid. The campaign also offers raffle coupons, scratch-and-win campaign with instant prizes and a grand draw.”
Medicine Shoppe Pharmacies are part of VPS Healthcare in the GCC and India. VPS Healthcare is an integrated healthcare service provider with primary, secondary and tertiary care clinics and hospitals in the Middle East and the Indian Sub-continent. By providing comprehensive patient management at International quality standards across all strata of the community, VPS Healthcare reflects a brand image of excellence in healthcare delivery system in the region.
VPS Healthcare is one of Abu Dhabi’s premier integrated healthcare groups and currently includes 9 operational hospitals across the region and in the Indian subcontinent. Additionally, the group holds the Master Franchise for the Medicine Shoppe brand of pharmacies in the GCC and India, besides a pharmaceutical manufacturing facility in Dubai.
Owing to the challenging needs in the changing healthcare landscape, it is VPS Healthcare’s constant pursuit to create a sustainable healthcare system for the people of the region.
The interdisciplinary approach and the close communication amongst various specialties and units, enable VPS Healthcare to develop innovative solutions for complex healthcare problems and thereby improving lives of several families.
Medicine Shoppe conducts numerous events across the UAE throughout the year and skin care has been an initiative that has been conducted regularly for a long period of time. Keeping in mind the climatic factors, Medicine Shoppe is actively involved in a number of initiatives.
“We believe that it is our duty to educate people about the various precautions they need to take to avoid any ailments. We conduct a number of different campaigns be it Skin Care, Hair, Weight Management, Health Living – Nutrition and Vitamins, Anti-Smoking, Blood Pressure & Blood Sugar etc among others, says Sudeep Halder, Operations Manager, Medicine Shoppe.
Mohamed Sameer, Marketing Coordinator, Medicine Shoppe, explained: “People in the UAE take due precautions against the sun by wearing caps, hats, gloves and other apparels. But doing merely this is not enough. We are educating people through our campaign about the various necessities to ensure that one’s skin remains healthy and the campaign has been hugely successful and we are sure it will continue to grow.”
Ratiba Ayad, Brand Manager, Al Hikma, added: “The climatic factors in the UAE in summer demand extra attention to skincare through specialized products. This prompted us to join hands with Medicine Shoppe pharmacies, as part of our corporate social responsibility to give something back to the community. Our customers have welcomed this move and they are visiting Medicine Shoppe pharmacies all over the UAE to benefit from our products.”
Al Hikma caters to both mass and premium segments of skincare. It distributes natural health products, cosmeceuticals, dietary supplements, pharmaceuticals, hospital supplies, medical health care devices and self-diagnostic devices.
Ayad concluded: “We market and promote health products in the Middle East, Asia, Africa, Europe, Canada and Australia through a highly qualified team of pharmacists and doctors through medical bureaus and drug stores, distributed all over these territories. We would like to extend this campaign to other parts of the world following its huge success here!”