Clacket Productions, in partnership with twofour54, the commercial arm of the Media Zone Authority – Abu Dhabi, announced the extension of filming of thepopular Syrian drama, Al Ikhwa, (The Brothers), duringa Suhourat Saadiyat Beach Golf Club, Abu Dhabi.
Filming commenced in Abu Dhabi in February 2014 on the complex family drama,which chronicles the lives of a businessman’s five adopted sons, and is currently taking place all across Abu Dhabi at locations such as Al Saadiyat Islandluxury villas, a subsidiary of the Tourism Development & Investment Company (TDIC).
The show features some of the most prominent TV stars from across the Arab world including Basel Khayyat, Qais Shaikh Najeeb, Taim Hassan, KarmenLubbos, Ahmad Fahmi, Amal Bushousha, Nadin Al Rassi, Mohammad Hadaki, Abdul Hadi Al Sabagh, MarahJaber, Mahmoud Nasr, Yazen Al Sayyed, BasemYakhour, NisreenTafesh, MaisHamdan, MadihaKineifati, Jessica Nassar, Lisa Debs, EzgiYulci, Raja Al Jiddawi, NashwaMostafa, Rafiq Ali Ahmed, Leena Dyab, Mohammad Al Rashi and Karla Butros.
As a result of the show’s popularity, 100 episodes will now be filmed in Abu Dhabi until October with the support of twofour54 intaj, the Abu Dhabi Film Commission and the Tourism Development & Investment Company(TDIC).
Maryam al Mheiri, Chief Operating Officer of twofour54, said: “We are delighted that Clacket Productions is continuing its association with Abu Dhabi through their hit series Al Ikhwa. The drama has been hugely popular with audiences across the entire region and not only does it position the Emirate as a leading media hub, it also reflects facets of this cosmopolitan city.”
Eyad Al Najjar,Executive Director of Clacket Productions, said: “Al Ikhwais a big hit and we have extended filming here and increased the number of episodes because of our wonderful experience in Abu Dhabi.
“twofour54 and TDIC’s involvement has contributed to the success of the series. They went above and beyond to make sure we had everything we needed. We wish to thank everyone involved for their tireless effort and support.”
Commenting on the announcement, Ahmed Al Fahim, Executive Director of Marketing, Communications, Sales and Leasing at TDIC, said: “We are happy to see that Al Ikhwa series has been very well received by audiences across the Arab world. We’re also delighted to see Saadiyat featured as one of the main backdrops for this major production, by utilisingmany of the facilities that the island has to offer, from residential to retail, in addition to its beautiful nature and landscape.”
twofour54 has attracted a number of major film productions in the past 12 months including Star Wars: Episode VII, Fast and Furious 7, Bang Bang and Deliver Us from Evil. In addition, global television programmes such as the Bold and the Beautiful and BBC’s Top Gear have been filmed in the Emirate.