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H.E. Sheikhawafa Hasher Al Maktoum & HMH Award For Excellence Bestowed On Mrs. Aisha Althawadi
(15 July 2014)


Mrs. Aisha Althawadi, the Chairwoman of Kids Academy and Member of Belhoul Group Holdings, is an extraordinary woman. Not only because of her remarkable professional achievements but for her exceptional contribution to promoting education among women and children.And this month she was recognised withSheikhaWafa Hasher Al Maktoum andHMH Award for Excellence. Receiving the award on behalf ofMrs Aisha Althawadiwere her husbandDr. JumaKhalfanBelhoul and sonMrKhaled bin JumaKhalfanBelhoul.

Presenting the award, Mr Laurent A. Voivenel, CEO, HMH - Hospitality Management Holdings, said: “Education is one of the most important means of empowering people with the knowledge, skills and self-confidence necessary to participate fully in the development process. Mrs  AishaAlthawadihas been a robust and strong advocate of education and the progress of women. She is a phenomenal woman who has served the UAE community with resolve and passion and we are glad to have her as one of the recipients of this special award”.

SheikhaWafa Hasher Al Maktoum& HMH Award for Excellence is a tribute to exceptional women who work for human welfare in addition to achieving excellence in their respective fields be it in the field of healthcare, business, art, education, literature, culture, sports, environment or public life.

Expressing her delight on the occasion,Mrs Aisha Althawadicommented, "I am truly grateful for having received this honour from H.E. SheikhaWafa Hasher Al Maktoum and HMH – Hospitality Management Holdings. Believing in the important role women play in bringing change in society and that education has become the greatest vehicle for change, I have founded with experts in education an educational establishment for early education with a unique environment to support children's emotional, social, creative, mental, and physical needs. We are fortunate to have access to quality education in the UAE”.

Mrs Aisha is the perfect role model for others as her dynamism and drive energizes those around her. Besides being a successful business woman, Mrs Aisha has been on the Board of Directors for Dubai Women's Association since 1986 and has been an active participant in cultural seminars, academic conferences and events. She is also the Chairwoman of Mother's Council of Dubai International School for the last nine years. Always at the forefront ofprogress through education, she established the first national institutein the UAE offering a balanced educational environment for early education in 2009 with a focus on all round development of a child.

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