Emirates Islamic, one of the leading Islamic financial institutions in the UAE, today announced Middlesex University as the winners of the Innovation Challenge, a competition which invites students from UAE Universities to devise social media solutions for the banking industry.
Students of 'Team Connect' from Middlesex University won the chance to intern with Emirates Islamic Bank, as well as a pre-paid card each, and a team certificate and trophy, which were presented at a prize giving ceremony. Runners up from Herriot Watt University and SP Jain University were also awarded certificates and a team trophy, as well as pre-paid cards.
The inter-university competition saw a series of 10 student teams submit business plans with the aim to leverage social media in the banking industry to increase sales, revenue, cross-selling, brand advocacy and awareness and customer service, with the short-listed teams presenting their plans to Emirates Islamic CEO Jamal Bin Ghalaita.