Around 2000 motorists benefitted from the traffic awareness programs organized by the Traffic and Patrols Directorate at the Abu Dhabi Policein the Western Region, which was held in cooperation with the Saaed Society to Reduce Traffic Accidents, and the Abu Dhabi Company for Onshore Oil Operations (ADCO). These programs fall under the efforts to empower community partnership and raise traffic awareness across public and private sectors. These efforts also aim to reduce dangerous violations and all causes of traffic accidents during the summer and the Holy Month of Ramadan.
Lt. Colonel Jamal Salem Al Ameri, Chief of Public Relations Section in the Traffic and Patrols Directorate, Abu Dhabi, and Executive Director of the Saaed Society, praised the positive results of traffic awareness programs in the Western region running under the slogan Safe Drive Safe Lives.“The programs were held to make our roads safer and received positive interactions by the employees that weretrainedinnine ADCO locations,” said Lt. Colonel Al Ameri.
He added, “The Western Region’s traffic awareness programs included lectures focused on dangerous violations and causes of traffic accidents that have occurred in the Western Region. The lectures also included educational materials and movies highlighting the effectiveness of seat belt use, tire safety, the risks of speeding and the dangers of overtaking trucks.”
Lt. Colonel Al Amerifurther explained, “The program featureda lecture on traffic awareness at theAsab and Sahiloil fields. The lectures addressed traffic accidents due to fatigue and sleepiness and explained that driving a vehicle alone for long distances makes people drowsy, especially at night during their regular sleeping hours, and some may surrender to sleep.
Raising awareness about incidents caused by drowsiness and fatigue is part of the directorate’s traffic awareness plan for July. The directorate aims to raisemindfulnessabout the factors that affect the ability to drive safely and highlight the fact that exhaustionweakens the ability to focus and reduces the reaction speed."
Continuing, Lt. Colonel Al Ameriadded, “Motorists should avoid driving when they feel fatigued or drowsy, they should park their vehicle in a safe location offof the road and take a break.
If we overexploit our limited amounts of energy we may not be able to focus and may end up in a traffic accident of some kind."