Hilton Al Ain has partnered with the city’s top attractions, Wadi Adventure Water Park and Al Ain Zoo, to offer families the ultimate summer adventure.
With unforgettable rates, starting from AED 549*, Hilton Al Ain’s summer package gives guests a chance to explore their adventurous side from the comfort of an award-winning upscale hotel. In addition to a one night family stay with breakfast for a family of four, guests will receive tickets to one of Al Ain’s popular family attractions – Wadi Adventure Water Park or Al Ain Zoo. For just AED 100 more, parents can surprise their children with tickets to both! For those seeking the adrenaline rush fun at Wadi Adventure, or a day of discovering the city’s animal kingdom at Al Ain Zoo Hilton Al Ain’s adventure package is the attractive, affordable option to escape for the weekend..
Jacques Claudel, general manager, Hilton Al Ain said: “Our summer adventure package gives smart weekend vacationers a chance to explore the very best Al Ain has to offer. By joining forces with two of the top attractions in the UAE and offering one of our best hotel rates, we can guarantee this will be a weekend to remember!”
Set in a Arabian Gulf oasis, and just 60 minutes from Dubai, Hilton Al Ain is a popular retreat with first class leisure facilities, including three outdoor pools, four tennis courts, a children’s play area, and six restaurants catering to a variety of cultures and tastes.
Hilton Al Ain’s adventure package can be booked online between 01 June and 31 August 2014