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Ro’Ya Workshop Outlines The Fundamentals Of Doing Business In The UAE
(12 June 2014)


 Ro’Ya, a joint collaboration between the Dubai Business Women Council (DBWC) and MasterCard today hosted another workshop at the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry focused on “Doing Business in the UAE”. The half-day workshop gave Ro’Ya applicants exclusive insight into all associated elements of starting and running a business in the UAE. The workshop was sponsored by INNOVEST ME and Manchester Business School (MBS) Middle East Centre in Dubai while the regulatory content was supported by CreativeZone, alongside Learnactive.

“Today’s workshop provided every applicant with the sound knowledge they require to start up their own business in the UAE,” said Mrs. Raja Al Gurg, President of DBWC. “The leaders of the UAE have made it extremely lucrative for both locals and expatriates to set up business across the various Emirates and the authorities have developed various structures to support each business’ respective needs. With this workshop we would like to empower every applicant by understanding the local business environment so that they can include the most suitable and feasible options in their business plans and to have an understanding of what to keep in mind when setting up a business in the UAE.”

The half-day workshop was presented by Mohamed Attallah, Advisory Panel, INNOVEST ME, Raquel Decena, Senior Business Setup Advisor, CreativeZone and Kayla Couture, Marketing and Communications Manager, CreativeZone.

The sessions focused on the UAE business environment and culture along with the most important do’s and don’ts. Presenters also talked about how to maintain the competitive edge in the UAE and what to keep in mind when setting up a business in the UAE. Regulatory content on various jurisdictions available to entrepreneurs in the UAE and a synopsis of the pros and cons and various regulations of setting up a business in various jurisdictions were a key topic during the session.

Randa Bessiso, Director – Middle East, Manchester Business School, commented: “The Ro’Ya initiative is a great example of a collaboration between partners seeking to support and empower women in business, which will benefit everyone directly involved, as well as the wider business community in the UAE. The workshop was a great interactive experience for all the participants, who showed enthusiasm to learn about doing business in the UAE. We are very proud to be associated with Ro’Ya and the opportunity provided to reach out to upcoming female entrepreneurs." 

The Ro’Ya workshops will carry through till October 2014. All sessions will be hosted at the Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry and will be facilitated by industry experts along with exclusive sessions with internationally recognized industry specialists. Upcoming workshops to look out for are: Your People - 03 July and Telling Your Story – 24 July.

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