Abu Dhabi Systems and Information Centre is pleased to announce the commencement of the fifth edition of its e-Fair, which will be running throughout 9 – 11 June 2014 from8 am to 4pm. The virtual career fair is a leading recruitment exhibition that offers UAE residents employment opportunities in both the public and private sector while attending from the convenience of their home.
The three day fair serves as an ideal platform to connect job seekers with reputable organizations in the UAE via a convenient and user-friendly platform. ADSIC launched the fair in 2009 to complement its online job search engine, Jobs Abu Dhabi (www.jobsabudhai.ae ) and accommodate the ongoing search for employees.
Dr. Ahmed Al Hashimi, Project Manager at ADSIC said: “The innovative idea behind the e-fair has made it popular amongst employers and job seekers in the community. Using state of the art technology, we have managed to create a convenient virtual platform where employers and job seekers can directly communicate with one another via internet based chat, voice and video conferencing channels. This technique will reduce cost for employers and is a time efficient medium for both parties. Job seekers will particularly benefit as they can apply to more than one job opportunity of interest simultaneously rather than having to visit each booth.”
He added, “The continuous economic growth in the UAE market has increased job opportunities in various sectors. At ADSIC, we are keen on promoting ICT initiatives that will sustain the economic growth of the labor market in the UAE and attract qualified talent seeking job opportunities. We are also determined to increase Emiratisation rates across all government entities by offering unique opportunities that will enhance their competencies and career path.”
The e-fair website (http://efair.abudhabi.ae/) is available in Arabic and English. The platform has various beneficial features such as allowing job seekers to view the latest job postings, upload their resumes online, get information on the organization he/she is applying to and create a two way communication channel.
Some of the participating organizations for this year’s e-fair include the National Archives, Abu Dhabi Health Services Company (SEHA), Abu Dhabi Airports Company (ADAC), Abu Dhabi Sports Council, Department of Transport (DoT), Abu Dhabi Ports Company (ADPC), Abu Dhabi Sewerage Service Company (ADSSC), Masdar, Injazat Data Systems and the Western Region Municipality.