Abu Dhabi Retirement Pensions & Benefits Fund opened its doors to the costumer / pensioners in its new office in Al Ain yesterday. The ADRPBF had earlier announced the relocation of its existing office from Al Ain Municipality Customer Service Area, to a separate and a private office in the center of Al Ain (downtown), in corporation with Military Pension Division in the department of Finance. This step comes in line with vision and mission of the Fund which is to provide remarkable customer service to its pensioners through the improvement of the levels of service and the diversification of its channels.
This office will offer all the services as are available in the Head Office based in Abu Dhabi and will cater a huge number of active members, pensioners and beneficiaries, plus the design of the office will help the members to get more privacy and convenience in discussing the matters related to their fund.
On this occasion Khalaf Abdulla Rahma Al Hamadi, Director General, Abu Dhabi Retirement Pensions & Benefits Fund, said: bWe are eager to deliver our services to all our members at different positions, and relocating our office in Al Ain is another step forward in our quest for achieving excellence in customer service, which is one of the strategic objectives of the Fundb.
He added, The Fund has diverse channels that provide services for pensioners. Today we provide our services through customer service centers in each of the headquarters in Abu Dhabi and the Western Region office "Tamm" and the Office of Al Ain, which has received over the past year 17.202 pensioners, 1.917 of which have visited Al Ain office. In addition, we provide services through the portal of e-services and smart phones application and the call center.
Hammadi also thanked Al Ain Municipality for their cooperation and help to host the Fund Office since 2011, and for providing all the facilities that have helped us to deliver our services to clients throughout this period, he also thanked the Department of Finance and Military Pension Division for their cooperation with the ADRPBF in the coming period.