Traffic accidents’ fatalities decrease during May compared to April in Abu Dhabi from 22 to 16 fatalities (27% decrease), and the number of accidents from 153 to 145 accidents (5% decrease) according to the statistics of Traffic and Patrols Directorate at Abu Dhabi Police.
Brigadier Eng. Hussein Ahmed Al Harithi, Director of Traffic and Patrols Directorate, stated that accidents that occurred during the mentioned period varied between collision, run over, and swerving accidents. The main reasons for accidents were not leaving enough safety space, sudden lane changing, over speeding without consideration to the condition of the road, negligence and lack of attention, entering the main road without checking if it is free, crossing red traffic lights and not giving priority for pedestrians crossing. He also mentioned that the number of fines issued during the mentioned period reached about 210073 fines, for violations such as over speeding, not following the obligatory path, inadequate tires, not wearing seat belts, and many others.
Al Harithi urged the motorists to adhere to the traffic laws and reduce speeds, leave enough safety space, and not distract themselves with phones while driving, to support the efforts that benefit society to preserve lives and properties. He also invited families to partake in raising awareness by advising the youth to adhere to the traffic laws and designated speeds, especially with the summer vacation approaching, and the importance of occupying the youth in summer activities.
Al Harithi pointed to an increase in the number of patrols on the peripheral roads leading to land ports to monitor the traffic and give traffic advises and helpful information about vehicles and tires maintenance. He stressed the importance of adhering to the traffic laws and designated speeds on the peripheral roads of 140 km/h for light vehicles, and 80 km/h for trucks and heavy vehicles.