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UAE Ranks First In Mobile Network Coverage And Importance Of ICT To Government According To World Economic Forums Networked Readiness Index
(27 May 2014)


The World Economic Forum (WEF) released its latest edition of the annual Network Readiness Index (NRI) where the United Arab Emirates (UAE) was ranked first in mobile network coverage and importance of ICT to government. UAE was ranked second in government usage pillar, government success in ICT, impact of ICTs on access to basic services and ICT use and government efficiency.

The report that measures the capacity of economies around the world to leverage information and communications technology (ICT) for growth and well-being also ranked the UAE in 2nd place in the GCC region.

“The TRA is building the core ICT regulatory framework for the UAE’s burgeoning knowledge economy.  ICT development underpins economic growth and social advancement, and is a critical pillar in the nation’s broader 2021 Vision. Thus, I am encouraged to see that the work of the TRA has had a positive effect in the ranking of the UAE in the latest NRI,” said HE Mohamad Ahmad Al Qamzi, Chairman of the Board.

“The vision of the TRA is an optimal enabling environment in which the UAE's Telecommunication and ICT sectors will emerge as a leader in the global market place. In support of that vision, the TRA will continue its work with great vigour and look to advance the UAE’s NRI position even further,” H.E. added.

With the theme, “Rewards and Risks of Big Data”, The NRI study was published in The Global Information Technology Report 2014 (GITR) and is based on data collected by organizations such as the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the World Bank, and the United Nations (UN). Notable findings in the report include on international level:

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