The UAE joins its sisterly Arab nations in celebrating the Arab traffic week, held this year under the slogan "Together towards a Safe Traffic Environment for All", from May 4 to 10.
The celebration, which is supervised by the General Secretariat of Arab Interior Ministers, embodies the recommendations of Arab traffic authorities' chiefs.
Brigadier Ghaith Hassan Al Zaabi, Director General of the Traffic Coordination Department at the Ministry of Interior, said: "This year's celebration of the Arab Traffic Week is held under the slogan 'Together towards a Safe Traffic Environment for All'. It aims to highlight the importance of traffic safety, being the responsibility of every road user, since everyone is responsible of achieving safety by respecting traffic laws and regulations." He noted that the celebration personifies a sense of mutual human and social responsibility about traffic safety.
"This is one of the most important traffic-related events held by Arab traffic departments. To this end, multiple programs and activities are organized, including meetings, seminars, conferences, lectures, field trips and programs, some of which are broadcast by the different Arab media channels," he added.
Brigadier Al Zaabi assured that this year's slogan is the object and purpose of all traffic departments across the Arab world and its society segments. It is also the ultimate goal of all motorists and road users, because traffic accidents have reached astronomical proportions in numbers and consequences, and has become a major concern for everyone in the region. "The Traffic Coordination Department at the Ministry of Interior has called on all traffic and patrols departments in the country to mark the Arab Traffic Week," he revealed.
Brigadier Al Zaabi also added that modifying traffic behavior of both all road users, whether pedestrians or motorists is the most vital element to reduce traffic accidents, because the human factor is mainly responsible for accidents and their negative consequences. "Mutual cooperation and collaboration among traffic-related entities and institutions is mandatory to prevent traffic accidents leading to life and property losses," he concluded.