receives support from NikiLauda, Formula1 legend and 3 times Formula1 world champion, who endorses the cause of road safety overall and the platform RoadSafetyUAE in particular.
NikiLauda states: “Safety is a key concern on all roads and my life experience shows, how rapidly lives can change through an accident – literally in a split second! Safety must be the clear number 1 priority when we are driving on UAE’s roads. Every responsible driver must eliminate potential risks to himself and to other traffic participants. My message is clear: roads are no racing grounds! If somebody has the urge to race and to speed, they must use proper race tracks, like the ones in Dubai and Abu Dhabi.”
Thomas Edelmann, founder of RoadSafetyUAE comments: “To improve UAE’s driving culture, the support of our leaders plays a vital role. We are very grateful for NikiLauda’s support and we invite more leaders and celebrities to support our platform. Leaders have the power to lead by example and to encourage their followership to change their behavior to the positive.”
“We wish for the support of UAE’s highest ethical and moral leaders, leaders of the main nationality groups residing in the UAE and iconic celebrities of local, regional and global stature, just like NikiLauda. Yes, this is an open invitation!”,Edelmann adds.
NikiLauda’s comments on speeding come timely, with speeding beeind the number 2 killer on UAE’s roads in the first quarter of 2014, according to data released by the Ministry of Interior. UAE traffic participants experience speeding motorists on a daily basis and this needs to change in order to improve the driving culture on UAE’s roads and to achieve the visionary ‘Zero Road Fatalities by 2020’. also addresses ‘NO to speeding!’ in their 2014 pledge ‘Make UAE Roads Safer!’, inviting UAE traffic participants to commit to this and 3 other safe behaviors. The pledge was launched in March and can be signed at
“We need the support of our leaders, but ultimately it is up to you and me, to all UAE traffic participants to commit to safe behavior on our roads, and signing the pledge is for all of us!”, Edelmann states. is supported by a growing number of entities like RTA, BMW, Michelin, Gargash Mercedes-Benz, Emarat Petroleum, Daman National Health Insurance, Nissan, Al Masaood Automobiles, NSG, Valvoline and VOX Cinemas.