The Media and Public Relations Section at the Directorate General of Resources and Support Services at the Naturalization, Residency and Ports Affairs organized an educational lecture titled “Skin and Hair Disease.”The lecture was delivered by dermatologist Dr. SuadLotfi in the lectures hall at Naturalization, Residency and Ports Affairs building.
This lecture falls under a series of educational lectures organized for workers to increase the level of health awareness, and educate them about means of prevention from skin and hair disease.
Dr. Lotfi spoke about reasons leading to hair loss and means of protections from external factor. She also tackled means of use of laser equipment of different kinds, which fits with different skins.
She also pointed out to skin problems in the summer and people's wrong concept about the use of Skin protection creams, assuring that such creams only protect the skin from skin cancers resulting from sun radiations.
Dr. Lotfi assured that using medical soap is the perfect solution to protect the skin from summer dehydrationwithout the need to use chemical protections and creams that negatively affect the skin.She incited female employees to not use any materials injected in the face and head without medical consultation. The lecture was attended by a large number of employees in the Naturalization, Residency and Ports Affairs.