Department Of Culture And Tourism - Abu Dhabi And Spark Foundry Partner With ADARA To Measure Digital Marketing Effectiveness (3 October 2018)
ADARA, the world’s leading travel data co-op, has announced a partnership with the Department of Culture and Tourism - Abu Dhabi (DCT) to create a private data co-op that utilises the measurement & analytics platform.
Mansour Bin Zayed Witnesses Launch Of First ’"Youth 101’" Initiative (3 October 2018)
The initiative was organised by the Federal Youth Authority, FYA, and will witness the participation of over 4,000 young men and women from various regions of the country.
Plant Holdings Up 38-Folds Since 1971 To 24,018 In 2017 (3 October 2018)
Meanwhile, the size of arable land expanded by 33-fold from 22,377 donum to 749,868 donum during the same period.
Sign Up to Volunteer At 2019’s Biggest Sports And Humanitarian Event (3 October 2018)
People from across the UAE are encouraged to be part of history by signing up to be a volunteer at Special Olympics World Games Abu Dhabi 2019.
UAE Largest Emergency Aid Donor To Yemen (3 October 2018)
The UAE has once again ranked as the largest donor of emergency humanitarian assistance to Yemen in the world for 2018.
UAE Space Agency Set To Participate In World Space Week (3 October 2018)
The UAE Space Agency today announced its participation in World Space Week, which aims to promote space exploration globally.
UAEREP To Integrate Awardee Projects Into Unified Multi-Component Atmospheric Model (3 October 2018)
Aimed at improving cloud seeding methods through leveraging the research findings of awardee projects, the collaborative scientific venture will increase the accuracy of weather forecasts related to clouds amenable to seeding operations in the UAE.
Up To 2181 Buildings Completed In Six Months (3 October 2018)
A total of 2,181 buildings were completed during H1 of 2018, a growth of 5 percent over the same period in 2017, according to figures released by the Statistics Centre - Abu Dhabi (SCAD) today.
Welfare Services Provided To Citizens Valued AED884.6 Million In 2017 (3 October 2018)
There are 2,219 students enrolled in government and private care centres, of whom 72.4 percent were citizens and 27.6 percent non-citizens in 2017.
Abu Dhabi Foreign Trade In Goods Accounts For 12.8 % Of 2017 GDP (2 October 2018)
Abu Dhabi’s foreign trade in goods accounted for 12.8% of the GDP in 2017, according to the Statistical Yearbook of Abu Dhabi 2018, released by the Statistics Centre - Abu Dhabi (SCAD) Monday.